Snoflyer Online
Click here for current issue (Large pdf file loads slow - be patient. Feel free to save to your own computer to read at your leisure.)
Snoflyer Archives
Snoflyer Advertising
Please contact Tina Shields for your advertising needs. Tina will happily provide you with rate information, publishing requirements, due dates and help with ad layouts. You may reach her by phone at (360)770-6464 or e-mail at
Snoflyer Submissions
If you have an article, photo or idea for a story to be published in the Snoflyer, please contact Tina Shields, WSSA's Publicity Secretary & Snoflyer Editor.
Snoflyer Article/Photo Hints & Tips
- Snoflyer is published monthly October-March, with an online-only July/Summer issue.
- Due date is the 15th of the month. (Articles submitted by September 15th will appear in the October issue [space permitting], etc. etc.)
- Please submit articles in a basic Word document (no strange formatting) or in the text of an e-mail.
- Please ensure names of people and places are spelled correctly.
- Include full names whenever possible. (People outside the core group may not know who "John" is.)
- Avoid nicknames unless the full name is included too, (i.e., "John 'Skippy' Doe"). (People outside the core group may not know who "Skippy" is.)
- Please spell out acronyms the first time you use them, (i.e., "International Snowmobile Congress (ISC)").
- Avoid embedding photos in Word documents.
- Please send highest resolution photos in any standard format.
- Please include captions for photos and name of photographer.
Snoflyer Archives (Note: Past issues only available to paid WSSA members - must be logged in.)